What an amazing year it has been for the NIST Cybersecurity Insights blog! From rebranding the blog to better align with our goals and content lineup plans, to launching a new blog series, to sharing our successes and updating you on our progress… we have tried to make the Cybersecurity Insights blog your one-stop-shop for everything happening at NIST regarding cybersecurity.
So, to close out the year, we thought you might like to look back and reminisce about our top 5 cybersecurity blogs of 2019. Without further ado, here they are:
5. It’s Always Cybersecurity Awareness Month for the NIST International Cybersecurity Framework Team
October was National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but for the NIST International Cybersecurity Framework Team, the entire year is devoted to promoting NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework throughout the world. The team’s goal, explained NIST’s Amy Mahn in the blog post, was to expand international harmonization and alignment with the Framework, and provide updates on their outreach trips to Chile, Mexico City, and Paris.
4. Owning Your Role in Cybersecurity
If you think that interns don’t play an important role at NIST, then we encourage you to read this blog entry. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) intern Rickie Grigsby provided a look at her experience at NICE and the many resources available to help everyone in their cybersecurity careers, from just starting out to mid-career to the C-suite.
3. Introducing Cybersecurity Insights: Director’s Corner
To offer special insight into NIST’s cybersecurity work, we started a new Cybersecurity Insights blog series called the Director’s Corner. The new series covers a specific division in NIST’s Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) with information about current projects, successes, upcoming work, and important announcements. Our first post featured ITL’s Computer Security Division Chief Matt Scholl, who provided an intriguing look at the future impact of quantum computing on cryptography and cybersecurity.
2. We Have a New Identity! Welcome to Cybersecurity Insights: a NIST blog!
So many of you read about our blog name change, which used to be “I Think, Therefore IAM: A Digital Identities Blog.” As NIST’s work in cybersecurity continues to expand, we needed to think broader, more robust, about how we could accurately reflect all the work taking place across the organization. Thus, NIST’s Kevin Stine and Matt Scholl unveiled the new blog name, Cybersecurity Insights: a NIST Blog.
1. The Preliminary Draft of the NIST Privacy Framework is Here!
Our most-read blog covered the release of the Preliminary Draft of the NIST Privacy Framework, which was one of the most anticipated events in 2019. In the blog, NIST’s Naomi Lefkovitz details the Framework’s purpose, how we incorporated community feedback to strengthen the Framework’s tenets, and most importantly, provided you the many opportunities to provide comments to us to ensure that Version 1.0 was going to be completely useful to you and your organizations.
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